Props Protocol

The following outlines props usage and protocols.

Curricular Shows:

Curricular shows are those with full props support. Props will be provided according to the needs of each production.

Each show has access to a locking box in which to store their props. Due to the overlapping nature of production schedules, props boxes are supplied as soon as they are made available. The props area in the scene shop may be used temporarily for props storage. Managers should contact Christian to understand where show props are temporarily stored and how they can be accessed.

For details on props procedures for designers and managers, see the Props/Designers Expectations form.

Smaller Productions (School supported workshops, BB2 showings, etc.):

Smaller productions are those with limited props support. A smaller show has access to CalArts stored props once curricular shows’ needs are filled. Often curricular shows take full props department attention and smaller productions can not get much dedicated attention.

Each show must assign a student liaison to pull props. When a show is finished, this same person must schedule a time with Christian to return all props to storage. Do not return props to the scene shop.

We do not lend easily sourced items such as silverware, dishware, chairs, books etc. We do not lend large props such as sofas, tables, and beds.

Christian is happy to discuss options with students about more challenging props needs if his schedule allows. To schedule a meeting with Christian, a sign up sheet is posted on his door.

For Personal and Inter-School Projects (New Works Festival, Coffee House shows, etc):

These projects are those with no official props support. We like to support student projects when possible, however, sometimes this is not possible.

Our ability to assist with personal projects is dependent on our curricular and smaller production schedule.
To schedule a meeting with Christian, a sign up sheet is posted on his door.

We do not provide props support for off campus projects.

For Non-Theater School Productions:

The Theater school does not provide props support for non-Theater school productions.